How does fitme work?

Use our scientific approach to build a committed, high-performance team with shared work values!

Step 1

We measure the work values that currently live in your company

Your reference employees complete the ValueFit questionnaire to determine their work valuesIt only takes them 10 minutes.

platform recruitment professional values - talent pool
Step 2

Selecting the ideal candidate

Select candidates who match the values of the best talents in your company. The aim is to promote retention, performance and harmony within your company, thanks to employees who share the same values.

selection candidate fitme - talent acquisition
Step 3

Discover the fitme community

If you don’t find your ideal candidate straight away, don’t worry! We offer you access to the fitme community, which includes thousands of profiles of potential talent. This will give you the opportunity to find the ideal candidate in our dynamic community.

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Why choose fitme?

Recruit for the long term and increase retention.

reduction turnover fitme - recruitment

Reduce employee turnover by up to 35%

People who share work values are more engaged, stay considerably longer and help your culture thrive.

fitme augmentation production salarié

Increase productivity by up to 20%

People who share work values go the extra mile, perform better and are less absent.

entreprise optimisée fitme

Interview time reduced by 35%

fitme helps you improve your recruitment process, streamline your interviews and make unbiased, accurate hiring decisions.

Master your Corporate Culture: Request a Demo now!

Employees who share values stay longer, are less absent, perform better and are less involved in work incidents.