Termes et conditions

The websites fitme.jobs are the property of and are managed by the public limited company Capital H, with head office at Kasteeldreef 1, 3191 Boortmeerbeek, registered in the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Kruispuntbank voor Ondernemingen) under registration number 0599.835.627 (hereinafter “Capital H”). Capital H operates under the name of Twegos and fitme. You are kindly requested to read these Terms and Conditions thoroughly.

These Terms and Conditions specify the conditions for access to the use of fitme.jobs (hereinafter the “Website”). The present Terms and Conditions apply to all types of use of the Website.

1. Purpose of the website

The Website allows you to request a demo for fitme and ValueFit. The website can ask you to provide limited personal data to book an appointment. It is your own decision to heed this request.


2. Binding force

By using the Website, you acknowledge that you are aware of the content of these Terms and Conditions and that they are considered to be binding. You will be asked explicitly to confirm your acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions when you are creating a fitme account on the Website.


3. Liability

3.1 Capital H takes the utmost care and attention in creating and managing the content of the website. Despite these efforts, Capital H cannot guarantee completeness of the content of the Website. Capital H is not liable for direct or indirect damage as the result of use of the Website. The content of the Website can be modified, added to or removed at any time.

3.2 The Website may contain hyperlinks to third party websites. Capital H does not manage these websites and cannot be held accountable for the content of these websites, nor for any and all damage resulting from the use of these websites. Capital H cannot guarantee that the hyperlinks on the Website will be functional at all times.

3.3. Capital H is not liable for (direct or indirect) damage as the result of use of the value profile. The fitme value profile reflects the personal values of the participants which they themselves have provided. The reliability of the value profile corresponds to a great extend with the interpretation, motivation, personal insight and honesty with which the participant has answered the Test questions.


4. Intellectual property

Capital H is the sole holder of rights of all intellectual property rights linked to the Website and the services offered (the ValueFit test). You agree to refrain from copying, altering or using the Website or parts of the Website (including but not limited to the text, lay-out, brands, logos, trademarks, graphic elements, illustrations, software, database) for any purpose other than the intended purpose in any way whatsoever.


5. General conditions

5.1. Modifications – Capital H reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time. These Terms and Conditions were revised and modified last on 14 July 2022.

5.2. Applicable law and competent courts – These Terms and Conditions are subject to Belgian law and shall be interpreted and executed in accordance with Belgian law. In the event of any dispute (interpretation or execution) of these Terms and Conditions, the courts of the judicial district of Antwerp (Mechelen department) are exclusively competent to judge.

5.3. Contact – Please contact Capital H at the address of Kasteeldreef 1, 3191 Boortmeerbeek or by e-mail [email protected] for any additional information or comments concerning these Terms and Conditions.

Maîtrisez votre culture d'entreprise : Demandez une démo maintenant !

Les employés dont les valeurs professionnelles sont alignées restent plus longtemps, sont moins absents, sont plus performants et sont moins sujets à des incidents de travail.